Plants to Use to Grow a Privacy Screen for Your Garden

When you're in your garden, you probably don't want the neighbours to be able to watch your every move. Your garden is your space, just as much as your house, and to achieve this privacy, you might want to consider the option of getting a privacy screen for those areas where you want to be able to relax completely. An easy and aesthetically pleasing way of achieving privacy in your garden is to simply grow your privacy screen yourself. To do this in a fashion that suits your needs, you need to know a little bit about the different options available.


Bamboo is one of the most common plants for growing privacy screens, as it is a dense plant that demands little maintenance. It's so dense and wood -like that you can actually grow entire fences out of this. You only need to cut it every now and then to make sure it actually forms a neat screen and not just a wild growing bush. Bamboo, however, has a tendency of becoming invasive if not properly controlled. To avoid having the plant taking over big parts of your garden, you can opt for raising the screen in flower beds with root barriers to prevent the plant from popping up outside the restricted area you want it to grow.

Horsetail plant

Another plant that can create a good privacy screen is horsetail plant. This plant grows fast and is suitable for a variety of climates. It does prefer wet soil, but it is possible to grow almost everywhere where it's not completely dry, if your garden has the right conditions. Also, this plant can become quite invasive. Make sure you tend to the roots often to keep them from spreading, and you should be able to keep this plant in the formation of a thick and lush screen to prevent people being able to see what you're doing in your garden.

Flower beds

Another way to create a privacy screen without you having to wait ages for the plant you've chosen to grow is to get raised flowerbeds where you then can plant flowers or plants that you prefer the looks of, but that don't grow high enough to create an entire screen on their own. You can make the flower beds out of wood or concrete, for example, depending on what you think suits your home best. The best thing about this option is that you can change the plants from year to year as they don't need a lot of time to grow, and thus you can get variation in your privacy screen.
