The Types Of Wood Available When Choosing A Picket Fence For Your Residential Property

Are you in the process of hiring a fencing contractor to install some picket fencing for you, but are not sure what type of wood to choose? Different types of wood have different characteristics. For that reason you need to make sure you select the type that best matches your requirements. To help you do that here is a list of wood types that you can make a selection from:


Redwood has a relatively dark red colour highlighted by sealers and stains. Within the structure of this wood, there are natural oils which offer the advantage of being resistant to rot and insect or up to several years. Therefore, you can expect redwood to have a relatively long lifetime.

A thing to note is that when a picket fence is built using redwood it's better that the fence is not inserted too deep into the ground. Otherwise it will become weaker structurally. 


The majority of picket fences manufactured from cedar make use of a water based sealer, and no coat of paint is applied. Also just like with redwood cedar is a great wood choice for picket fencing because it contain natural oils that prevent the onset of rot and insect damage. Be sure to carry out typical maintenance jobs  so your ceder fence lasts several years. One thing you can do is apply a new coat of sealer every year.

Cedar wood like redwood cannot be inserted too far into the ground, because it will begin to rot and that will reduce the quality of the fence structurally.

Softwood SPF

SPF is manufactured from fir, pine and spruce. It is ideal for picket fencing because it can last for up to a decade. However, this is only the case if maintenance jobs such as applying primers and paints are conducted on a yearly basis. Make sure that your fencing contractor paints and primes the softwood picket fencing before installation, and fills exterior latex caulk into nail holes.

Pressure Treated Wood

The advantage of pressure treated wood is that it will not be susceptible to insect infestations or rot at all no matter how long you have the fence on your residential property. Before applying paint or sealers to pressure treated wood picket fences the wood has to dry first. This can take around 3 to 6 months. The advantage of this type of picket fencing over others is that it will not rot when inserted deeply into the ground.

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